Who Needs A Kindle When You Have A DS?

Do you know what a Kindle is?  It’s an e-book reader from Amazon and it’s pretty amazing, it’s completely sold out in the US and costs $359.  You can also buy a Sony E-Book Reader which is similar, and will cost around £200. Or you could just use your DS Lite..

In collaboration with Harper Collins, Nintendo will release 100 Classic Book Collections on December 26th, 2008.  This ‘game’ turns your DS into a little library and in this case a library of Classic Literature.  You have all the greats here:  Jane Austen, Charlotte bronte, Lewis Caroll, Emily Bronte, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde and the list goes on… (full list on Amazon)

If you’ve had enough of playing Mario, had enough of improving your brain with Brain Training and just need to get into a good book, once again your DS comes to the rescue.  You have 100 books on this cartridge which you can read anywhere, you just hold the DS on it’s side like a book. To turn the pages you turn the stylus.   If you’ve played the Reading Exercise on Brain Training then you’ll know how it will work.


For those of us who aren’t into Shakespeare, the good news is that this is the tip of the iceberg, as there are rumours Nintendo will bring out further e-books on the DS, once again pushing it’s entertainment value to the limit.

For a bibliophile like me, this new addition to the DS’s talents brings me great joy.  Is there nothing this little contraption can’t do?

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